These Are Not The Cars You Want To Rear-End At High Speed

Oops fender bender

How impressive is this? How fast must you go to actually push your vehicle underneath the back wheel of another? (We’ve seen something similar, for the record.) At the intersection of Huayuan Road and North Ring Road in Zhengzhou, Henan province on Friday, a five-car accident was caused by a driver who rammed his car into the back of a police vehicle. A second cop car was involved in the fender-bender. 

This bears repeating: if you’re going to get in a car accident, don’t crash into cops. They usually don’t “let people off” for these kind of things.

Eyewitnesses say the accident was caused by a driver “not braking fast enough.” Um. Correct.

Bad accident - involves cops Fender bender


    2 Responses to “These Are Not The Cars You Want To Rear-End At High Speed”

    1. name

      Actually it’s due more to the shape of the car, than by their speed. The VW in the picture is light and with high rear end. The final result is safer for the passengers of the police car, as it avoided the vehicle deformation of a typical front/rear crash.

      • Ander

        Agree. Plus the low front-end of the Honda which did the rear-ending would’ve been even lower when it suddenly braked, creating that perfect wedge shape to slide under the high rear of the VW.


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