Ang Lee Celebrated His Oscar Win By Housing An In-N-Out Burger

Ang Lee In N Out burger

After winning the Oscar for Best Picture Director and lumbering his way through an acceptance speech — redeemed by words from two non-English languages — Ang Lee hit the streets of LA and found himself in that coziest, most comforting of havens for the delirious, the drunk, the endorphin-jacked, or merely the hungry: In-N-Out.

Spotted by Vanity Fair publisher Edward Menicheschi, who snapped a pic and tweeted it out, this photo has gone viral and now found its way here, where we hope In-N-Out Burger quickly capitalizes on this remarkable windfall of publicity to open a chain in China. We could use a double-double right about now.

Even Housing an In-N-Out Burger Is Adorable When Ang Lee Does It (Holding His Oscar) (Vanity Fair)

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