There Are Nearly 15,000 Dead Pigs In Shanghai’s River Because Of This Serial Rapist Dog

Pig-raping dog in China

Because getting the updated dead swine count in Shanghai’s Huangpu River is like morning coffee, here’s AFP:

The number of dead pigs found in a river which runs through Shanghai has reached nearly 15,000, officials and reports said Tuesday, as a newspaper claimed the government was concealing the true tally.

On a fucking stick. Nearly 15,000 bloated carcasses have been dredged out of a river that provides drinking water on a fucking stick.

“We finally know why those pigs are jumping into the river!!!” writes one funny Sina Weibo user. Here’s the accompanying emoticon:

Damnit, dog. Goddamn you!

And because there is never, ever a bad time for this, here, once again with feeling, is China’s famous chicken-raping dog:

Chicken-raping dog in China

UPDATE: Now more than 16,000.

Previously: The Farmer Responsible For Dumping 6,601 (And Counting) Swine Carcasses Into Shanghai River Has Been Detained

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