The Corollary To The Clown Van That Holds 50 Schoolkids Is This Trike That Holds 31

31 kids sit in trike

Totally safe.

The pics — a corollary to this — are from China News via MIC Gadget, which reports:

A Chinese woman was seen driving a fully packed motor tricycle carrying 31 schoolchildren back home from school in Zhongmou county, Henan province, central China. A small girl approximately of the age of 10 was holding the steering wheel as if the tricycle was driven by her.

31 kids sit in trike2

A Motor-Tricycle Cram with 31 School Kids is Absolutely Dangerous (MIC Gadget)

    2 Responses to “The Corollary To The Clown Van That Holds 50 Schoolkids Is This Trike That Holds 31”

    1. P.

      It’s the One Motor Tricycle Per School Policy. Urban residents and ethnic minorities are allowed to have two.


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