Friday Night Musical Outro: Ecstatic For INTRO

Intro 2013 Beijing

Hey, I’m Morgan, I ran out of funny things to say for this bit.

Oh hai guys, happy Friday, good to see you all, and I hope you’re all already having sweet, awesome weekends. Super sweet, awesome weekends.

Welp, for this week’s Friday Outro, our man The Tao specifically requested some content relating to this weekend’s INTRO Festival because BeijingCream has to stay relevant with the kids. Random video of people taking a sneaky crunch in the subway are pretty great and all, but we’ve also got to make sure to big up the proper dance music events and soirees. We’re a full service website.

So, yeah, in honor of Beijing’s own INTRO Electronic Music Festival this Saturday at some steel factory, 2-11 pm, I present for your enjoyment “Ecstasy Fail”:

Just seems fitting somehow.

My friends, allow me break down exactly what’s going on right here. This is what’s happening: Basically, when you’re on that much ecstasy, it feels like your fucking face is literally trying to fly right the fuck off your head and into outer space. Your face is literally trying to peel itself off your head, and fly up and away, away, away into outer space, forever and ever. The only way to stop that from happening? Move you mouth around like a psychopath and gnash your teeth as hard as you can because that’s the only thing you can do that will hold it in place. That’s all you can do.

(Hey, it works.)

Enjoy INTRO Festival everybody! All the info you need is right here! When someone says to you that you should probably only do the half, just do the half!

Morgan is the editor of Smart Beijing and fake DJs around town. Suggestions for Friday Music Send Outs and feedback to

    2 Responses to “Friday Night Musical Outro: Ecstatic For INTRO”

    1. Nick

      LOL this guy is just really high. Plain and simple lol. He’s got the sweats going, a recipe for a terrible day after. Venue for this party looks cool.

    2. lushus

      I went to INTRO last year and it sucked. No beer on sale anywhere. Why do you want to watch guys play with their laptops on stage as you stand n the burning sun with no alcohol to drink? FAIL.


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