Old Man Attacks University Student For Not Offering Her Bus Seat

Oh geez, more adventures on buses. In Suzhou, Jiangsu province on Saturday morning, an old man began striking and kicking a young woman he felt should have given him her seat. Of course it’s traditional in China for passengers to offer their seats for elders — we are constantly reminded of this via prerecorded messages on public transit — but why was this one particular girl singled out?

Interviewed afterwards, the young woman said she was on her way to take a test and had her head buried in review material, which is why she might not have noticed the old man standing next to her. She said the man was beyond belligerent, sticking a finger in her face and asking, “You think I won’t beat you? You think I won’t beat you?”

The initial skirmish only lasts about 10 seconds, with the older man retreating to the back of the bus to get off. But when the student pulls out her cell phone to snap a picture, the man returns to continue fighting. Eventually he is pulled off her by other passengers.

He gets off at the next stop and disappears. Police were unable to find him.

This incident comes after we saw, on May 22, an old man cause a multi-vehicle accident by grabbing a bus driver. And also last week, a foreigner completely lost his cool at a bus driver in Chengdu. Perhaps it’s time we started a new tag.

(H/T We Live in Beijing)

    5 Responses to “Old Man Attacks University Student For Not Offering Her Bus Seat”

    1. OldFart

      Strong enough to kick a girl on a driving bus. Doesn’t seem like he fits the profile of someone other people need to give up their seat for.

    2. FOARP

      China’s the only country I’ve ever lived in that insisted in telling people to give up their seats to those in need because it is their ‘tradition’. everywhere else in the world I’ve been (Tokyo, Osaka, London, Poland etc.) people did it without being told.

    3. Markoff

      Yeah, give them seat especially when they are accompanied by some small Chinese brat, the next thing you can expect the old grandpa/ma will give seat you offered him/her to the little brat.

      I also like when Chinese rush to grab seat when they are travelling for 1-2 stops while you are going 10-15 stops, because standing for 1-2 stops is sooo exhausting.

      Before I was giving seat to some people while other Chinese pretended to not see them, but recently I stopped doing it, I did my fair share already and they don’t deserve this when you look at them and behavior worse than animals, can’t even understand simple rule to let passengers get off the bus/train and then get in, so these animals don’t deserve to be treated like civilized people. And don’t let me start about cutting queue.


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