Hong Kong’s Future Actors Demonstrably Tell CY Leung To Fuck Off

People hate CY Leung

Today is National Protest Day in Hong Kong, so here’s your reminder that people hate the city’s chief executive, CY Leung. That’s always good, when your leader, a puppet, is hated. Actually, that’s not good at all.

Hong Wrong has the latest example:

HK’s leader was repeatedly humiliated yesterday at a Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts graduation ceremony…

Students held up placards demanding genuine democracy whilst others receiving their degrees refused to bow, gave CY the thumbs-down or crossed their arms above their heads – an action referencing last year’s national education protests.

When students get so upset because of you that, on the day of their graduation, they consider your presence a disgrace and an insult, and cross their arms into an X — the international symbol of “I’m injured and need to get off the field” — at the very least, you probably shouldn’t attend any more graduation ceremonies.

People hate CY Leung 2

Look on the bright side though: sales of Guy Fawkes masks should be going through the roof today.

    4 Responses to “Hong Kong’s Future Actors Demonstrably Tell CY Leung To Fuck Off”

    1. narsfweasels

      Well, he was democratically elected from a field of candidates forcibly selected for election by pressure from the Party, so I don’t see what they’re complaining about.

      …oh wait, no, I totally get it.

    2. Chinese Netizen

      Despite his “credentials”…it’s still bad form by a a bunch of coddled brats that think they’re making a profound statement.

      • RhZ

        Yeah well that’s what he gets for the idiotic and lame-brained attempt to bring in that patriotic education last year. Remember that booklet? “The leaders work selflessly for the people”…what claptrap, anyone with an ounce of sense would not believe any of it for a second. All them jokers in the many propaganda departments need to be fired. They are all worthless.

        • Chinese Netizen

          A) That was Donald Tsang that tried to ramrod that through.
          B) HK is owned by China. Mei You Ban Fa.
          C) Can’t argue that the SAR government is made up entirely of reactive, unimaginative bureaucrats.


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