Porn Accidentally Broadcast On Public LED Screen In China, Again [UPDATE]

Public porn in Jilin

Hundreds of onlookers, like flies to light, were entranced by a public showing of pornography on a big-screen near a railway station in Jilin, Jilin province last Wednesday, reports SCMP. This is not the first time something like this has happened.

In Henan last June, passersby of a Dico’s were treated 20 minutes of free porn. In Guangdong in February, this porn flick.

The film in Jilin was broadcast on an LED screen on the roof of the Kaixuan building for about 10 minutes. It was an adaptation of the Ming Dynasty erotic novel The Plum in the Golden Vase, which probably would be canonized among China’s “great novels” if there weren’t already four classics that don’t contain so much eroticism.

How did it happen?

In mid-June, the screen malfunctioned, and Yuan Mou, a technician from Fujian Kewei Optical Company, was hired to carry out maintenance work, Xinhua reported on Sunday.

Jilin police took Yuan into custody for questioning on Friday. Yuan said he had lived in the Kaixuan building while carrying out maintenance work on the LED screen. On Wednesday evening, mistakenly believing the screen’s computer to be disconnected, he began watching Xin Jin Ping Mei. He then received a phone call from Southern Advertising Company telling him that the film was being broadcast live to several hundred onlookers. Yuan promptly disconnected the computer and discarded the Xin Jin Ping Meidisc. Jilin authorities are still investigating the matter.

Folk hero, this Yuan fella.

Erotic film broadcast to hundreds outside railway station (SCMP, h/t Nick Papa, Alicia)

UPDATE, 7/8, 12:13 pm: Annnnnd here’s video:

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