Chinese Health Department Website Links To Glorious Stash Of Porn

Huidong Chinese health department links to porn

Discourage, suppress, and censor it as you may — and lord knows authorities try, try, and try again — you’ll never rid the world of porn, porn, porn. Some Chinese health department officials discovered this recently firsthand.

The Nanfang reports:

…a university student surnamed Li was randomly clicking through the website in the hope of finding a job in the bureau. Little did he know when he clicked on a link to Huidong No. 2 People’s Hospital, one of the bureau’s subsidiary units, he hit the motherload: pictures of scantily-dressed women in racy positions, and Chinese ads for naked chatting and prostitution. This obscene content was planted in notable places on the page, according to descriptions from Nanfang Daily.

The bureau claimed it was “hacked” and that local police have been called in. Oh God, those chums. This case will never be solved.

Previously in Chinese misadventures with porn:

Porn found on official website of Huidong Health Department (The Nanfang)

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