Pictures And Videos From The 11th Annual Shanghai Sexpo

Shanghai Sexpo 1

The 11th Adult Care Expo*, i.e. Shanghai Sexpo, ended on Sunday, and if you weren’t there for any of the three-day extravaganza of awkward gazing/touching/posing and shameless mobile recording inside the Shanghai International Exhibition Center (INTEX), we’ll fill you in: there were a lot of sex toys and aphrodisiacs, a lot of phalluses, a few AV stars but way more scantily clad girls — sometimes dancing, sometimes doing something… we don’t know — and a lot of QPR codes, often on skin, because sexpos have gone digital, baby. Judging by the pictures, it was all very goofy, like PG porn or sanitized sex approved by marketers for 13-year-olds. Nonetheless, what follows may not necessarily be suitable for viewing in the workplace.

Via (these pics also appear on NetEase, but seems more suitable), here’s a look at some of the expo’s more awkward moments:

Shanghai Sexpo 3 Shanghai Sexpo 4 Shanghai Sexpo 5 Shanghai Sexpo 9 Shanghai Sexpo 7

Look at this next one – an editor blurred out this mannequin’s left nipple!

Shanghai Sexpo 8

But this is totally okay, right? (From the same website’s slideshow.)

Shanghai Sexpo 6 Shanghai Sexpo 10

There were also live dancers, like this gal below. We’ll leave you with a couple of these videos. Try to watch them with a sober understanding that sex has been thoroughly commodified in this setup. Maybe you should watch this in the office: you’ll not find better tips on making money anywhere else.

Shanghai Sexpo 2014 girl dancing 1Shanghai Sexpo 2014 girl dancing 2

The full name of the event is technically the China International Adult Toys and Reproductive Health Exhibition. Here’s a logo:

Shanghai Adult Care Expo logo

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