Announcing: Beijing Cream’s Flash Fiction For Charity At Great Leap Brewing

UDPATE: The event will be Sunday, July 13, 2:30 pm. We have just a few seats left, so please reserve now: Walk-ins are welcome, just know you might be standing.

Meet the writers here:

  • William Wang, The Antecedents of a Rodent
  • Daniel Tam-Claiborne, If Not for the Melon
  • Qing Qing Chen, Reckoning
  • Rosalyn Shih, Taishan No. 20
  • Jacques Qu, Delivery

In addition, Kaiser Kuo – rock star, Sinica host — will be reading a story about a dishwasher’s coming-of-age in early-90s Beijing, and Susan Barker will be reading an excerpt from her acclaimed novel The Incarnations.

Flash Fiction for Charity

Update: We’ve extended the submission deadline to July 6Click here for some inspiration.

Attention, writers of Beijing: we’re holding a flash fiction reading on Sunday, July 13 at Great Leap Brewing‘s Original No. 6 location (Doujiao Hutong No. 6). Space is limited, so we’re asking those interested to register by emailing us – spots will be reserved on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost is 50 RMB, which includes a select GLB beer, with all proceeds going to the charity Educating Girls of Rural China. Also, importantly: we’re seeking readers!

Until Friday, July 4, email us ( stories between 500 and 700 words that fit the theme “Beijing.” Entries will be anonymized and read by our judges…

  • Alice Xin Liu, managing editor of the literary journal Pathlight
  • Alec Ash, founder and editor of the writers colony the Anthill
  • Leslie-Ann Murray, MFA-Rutgers, winner of the 2013 Literary Death Match in Beijing and host of the biweekly Bookworm event “Writing on Walls” (check out her blog)

…who will select at least five winners based on literary merit. These people will be asked to present their work on July 13, alongside “celebrity readers.” For your efforts, all readers will be rewarded two GLB beers each.

There’ll be a fun little competitive wrinkle that we’ll introduce later. (Or we’ll tell you now: audience members will vote for their favorites and the top two vote-getters will face off in a to-be-determined game to see who goes home with an all-you-can-drink voucher good for you and a friend. As if you needed incentive to read your own fiction.)

Get writing, people. Here’s all the above info packaged in millennial form:

WHAT: The Beijing Cream Flash Fiction Contest / Reading at Great Leap Brewing
WHERE: Great Leap Brewing Original No. 6
WHEN: Sunday, July 13 (afternoon; exact time tbd)
WHY: For literary fun and to benefit the charity Educating Girls of Rural China
COST: 50 rmb
AND: Reserve seats by emailing

ALSO: Submit stories between 500 and 700 words to by July 4 that fit the theme “Beijing” for a chance to participate in this event, receive free beers, and be toasted for your literaryness.

    3 Responses to “Announcing: Beijing Cream’s Flash Fiction For Charity At Great Leap Brewing”

    1. bag of Dicks

      > These people will be asked to present their work on July 13, alongside “celebrity readers.”

      I don’t get this. So the “celebrity readers” just stand next to the writers who read their work out loud?

      > As if you needed incentive to read your own fiction

      I thought writers veer towards introversion. So the idea of being put on the spot in front of an audience to play some unexpected parlour game would be a form of torture.

      I hope things go alright though. I’m all for educating rural girls.

      • Anthony Tao

        I know you’re just joking, but, yeah, “alongside” wasn’t meant literally. Also, there are all types of writers, of course. Maybe the introverts can use the beers to loosen em up.

        Hope to see some good entries! More info in subsequent days.

        • bag of Dicks

          I’m not joking. I find it hard to parse that sentence. I guess it must mean that the author reads a bit of his work out then some other random dude reads a bit out?


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