Forbes editor gets drunk, posts dreadful China article

Strange to imagine there was once a time when Forbes had a Beijing correspondent. A time of dragons. “Ancient times.”

Yesterday, an editor at the venerable in-flight magazine of Trump Airlines published an article by one of its many, many, many useless contributors entitled ‘China Expert: I’m Drunk,’ in which the author has a chin-stroker of an evening with a China expert who admitted to having already sunk a bottle of claret and several jars.

The conversation indeed sounds like something one might overhear between Martin Jacques and a barstool around closing time at the Bull and Bear.

Expert FG


Other than being British, the writer of a recently “well-received book” and “not on Twitter,” the expert is unidentified but drunk, you say?

Expert 2


Sounds like he’s been drinking deep of the Cup of Tea.

This has the makings of a promising series: Maybe next week Forbes can huff paint with Dave Shambaugh and ask if he’s cracking up? Note: “Chinese conglomerate HNA Group is in talks to buy a controlling stake in the owner of the publisher of Forbes magazine”

Soon, this is how all China watching will be done

Soon, this is how all China watching will be done



UPDATE 25/4 15.04 – A reader alerts: Forbes seems to have taken down the article without comment

    11 Responses to “Forbes editor gets drunk, posts dreadful China article”

    1. FOARP

      Hmm… there is something familiar about this “expert”. Possibly it is the faux-plumminess of their speech. Or the bizarre self-promotion in every second or third sentence. Or the claim to have interviewed many officials. Or the fact that they are emailing whilst obviously drunk.

    2. FOARP

      Getting a 404 on that link, so it seems the post may have been taken down. It seems some people dip below even Forbes’ lax standards.

      BTW – no post on the death of the Sanlitun bar street?

    3. FOARPs Mothers Cunt Is Full Of Cement

      Isn’t it time you guys stopped bitching about and spreading rumors other China expats? You’ve been around for awhile, had a year off, and the world has changed a bit while you’ve been away. No-one’s interested anymore.

    4. Verdy

      Holy crap BJ cream is back?! Since thenanfang is gone and shanghaiist is 50% ads, this is just what we need

    5. Adolf

      Shize. Beijing Cream is back. The lowest form of expatriate journalism. Not what Beijing needs.


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