Celestine Elebechi is the Nigerian who died in police custody on Monday, sparking a big protest the next day involving more than 100 Africans. BJC contributor Alicia found this video recently (more are beginning to appear on Youku). I'm particularly surprised by how brazen the protestors are, appearing to throw objects at the approaching police brigade. By all indications, the protest/mini-riot ended after only a few hours without many injuries, which is a blessing. Because judging by this snippet here, it could have been worse.
Update after jump. The monkeys on Mt. Emei near Chengdu are famous for their gregariousness. Never mind that behind those big, watery eyes is a scheming brain that tells its swift, prying fingers to reach into your pocket, grab that phone and chuck it off the ledge and into the river when it realizes it’s... Read more »
Shanghaiist has the story, as does the Beijinger. But damn it all if we’re letting a sex mushroom get through the day without ribbing it here. On June 17, Xi’an Up Close《西安零距离》aired a story about a “mushroom” that was found in Liucunbu village in Shaanxi province. The reporter, Ye Yunfeng, says at one point: “We can see here... Read more »
Here's another story about a bus driver in China, but this one involves no death and no callous disregard for life.
Last Wednesday at 2:20 pm in Changchun, Jilin province, Fu Xiuli, the driver of Bus 363, was rolling toward the intersection of Comrade Street (Tongzhi Jie) and Liberation Avenue (Jiefang Dalu) when she suddenly experienced difficulty breathing, according to NetEase.
Proving that hell hath no fury like a soccer fan whose team just earned an unexpected result, Beijing Guo’an fans poured into the street outside Workers Stadium — a very, very busy street, mind you — after Saturday’s 0-0 draw to Qingdao Zhongneng and acted like riotous hooligans. Although the “near-riot,” as Global Times describes... Read more »
By The Good Doctor Friday night’s show at MAO Livehouse featured an Italian band called The Medullary Paralysis. I could write a lot about the experience, but I think a quick summary of facts will tell you everything you need to know: 1. Half the songs sounded like a lost Nine Inch Nails album I never... Read more »
Video of that citizen's arrest attempt on Tony Blair, which we alluded to yesterday in our links post (via Huffington Post), has surfaced on several media, notably Telegraph and ITN, but the above video has the best sound quality, so you're getting that.
This sight is from Thursday night, as posted on China Daily. Quite the scene, huh? After the jump, there’s a video from some Chinese office workers who had a great view. They expressed, mostly, amazement and child-like wonder. Nature can be impressive when it wants to be, that’s for sure. Too bad man’s around to... Read more »
Thunderstorms have been wrecking havoc in Taiwan recently, causing floods, crippling transportation, and opening portals for the return of Loki. Lucky for us, the lightning-thrower dude is on our side.
Tuesday in Chengdu. At first, we have no idea what's happening in the above video. Why is a foreigner pushing cars backwards? Is he angry? Why is he darting around with crazy hands, seemingly directing traffic? Why are so many people just watching him? We're momentarily reminded of the Chengdu laowai who spit on a Chinese person last month.