American Man Stabbed In Ass In Qianmen

Missed this yesterday: China Daily ran this in their “In Brief” section at 8:09 am:

A US man was attacked by a knife-wielding assailant in downtown Beijing on Wednesday afternoon, according to local police.

The man was stabbed in the buttocks by a 61-year-old Chinese man in Qianmen.

The suspect, Wang Taicun from Shandong province, was arrested an hour later.

If only the victim had been Chinese, we could’ve updated our “Chinese People With Unfortunate Anus Problems: A Compendium” post. Alas, random stabbings are probably no laughing matter. It’s unclear whether the American had his passport on him.

(The above X-ray is not, presumably, of the American. It came from the Beijinger’s forum… hey MSNBC, there’s your primary source.)

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