Wingsuit Daredevil Flies Over, Among Other Places, Hunan’s Highway To Hell

Youku video for those in China after the jump.

Remember our post a few days back, “99 Ways to Heaven… on the Highway to Hell,” about a certain stretch of road in Zhangjiajie, Hunan that may be the most dangerous in the world? Well, Jokke Sommer, a BASE jumping and wingsuit expert, decided to take danger to another level: by flying over that stretch of road. It’s nuts.

The video’s a little dated by blogging standards — it was uploaded March 2 — but it’s still worth a watch (if for nothing else than Brand Blank‘s remix of Bob Marley’s “Sun is Shining”). We sort of made fun of Tianmenshan Heaven-Linking Avenue in our last post, but give Zhangjiajie its due: that’s one heck of a scenic area to glide over… if you’re the kind to not mind dying.

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