Via the Beijinger; their gallery caption: “Comedian Louis CK held an invitation-only comedy show at Zhengyici Peking Opera Theatre during his four-day stop in Beijing. Chopschticks Comedy Club organized the evening while drinks and food were provided by Slow Boat and Kro’s Nest, respectively.”
The Beijinger just posted 24 pictures of Louis CK at work on Sunday night. Go check it out (we sample a few after the jump). In the above, we can only assume he was delivering his Chinese potbelly joke, which RFH described thusly in yesterday’s review:
Of course, though, China is changing, as Louis kept remarking: “We [Americans] think you’re all peddling bicycles, wearing little hats… it’s nothing like what we think.” But “I keep seeing this guy: [flips up shirt to reveal proud potbelly].”
If you remember any of Louis’s other lines, please post them in the comments. It’s unlikely we’ll ever get audio/video of the event — maybe we’ll see a snippet on his show Louie — so let’s do it like they used to, pre-YouTube.
For those too young to remember what that means, I’m talking about word of mouth. Jonny White correctly notes that “recounting his jokes line by line is not going to do him justice,” but how else will those who weren’t fortunate enough to get tickets ever find out about his one-night-only jokes? Do it for posterity, people.
Via the Beijinger:

He had a whole bit about how different the world would be if murdering people were legal and accepted. “If you’ve never killed anyone, it’ll be like being a virgin in college. *Come on, you’ve _never_ killed someone?* And then some girl will be all like, *Cut it out, you guys! I think it’s kinda sweet, that he’s never killed anyone.*”
Yes! More!
This is so depressing.
One of the best stand-up comedians in the world comes to Beijing, gets covered by thebeijinger and eats Kro’s Nest.
Fucking hell.