Take A Minute To Enjoy The Indubitable Cuteness Of A Dog Nursing Three Kittens

This past Monday was National Hug Your Cat Day. If you didn’t know that, you’re already less of a cat lover than this dog here, a five-year-old in Shandong who was recently found nursing three tiny creatures. Her owners initially thought they were puppies, but upon closer inspection, they discovered that the infants were actually kittens.

Funny thing happened, then: the owners saw A, they saw B, so they connected A and B and thought: Holy cow, our dog gave birth to cats! At least two versions of the story goes like this: one day, the owner heard her dog give a yelp, and when she went to look, she found three kittens. How is that possible? “However, the different chromosomes of dogs and cats make them unable to mate,” Xinmin News tells us.

You don’t say.

To no one’s surprise, this story is currently trending on Weibo. Are netizens drawn to the compassion of the mother dog? To the irresistible appeal of baby felines? Or maybe are they drawn to the charming gullibility of the rural pet owners?

Eh. It’s probably the animals.

Here‘s the video I used to make the above — forgive me, but I thought it needed a dash of the Supremes.

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