Can Unfunny Be Awesome? When It’s A Commercial About Panda Cabs With Royal Family Impersonators, Yes

I’m embarrassed to have gone so long without posting this, but last month, Chengdu tourism officials created a commercial promoting black-and-white “panda cabs” in London using Kate Middleton, Prince William, and the Queen impersonators, and the Daily Mail tells us, in its article yesterday, that Britons aren’t too happy about it.

Is it because the Duchess of Cambridge says, “I just don’t understand why we cannot take the royal limo. I didn’t marry into royalty to schlep around in a taxi”? Is it because the Queen is shrill and makes people want to punch her with the way she says, Taaaxxxi? Or this exchange?

William: “But darling, granny is right. The commoners want to see us tightening our belts and all that.”
Kate: “Rubbish, people want to see that they can be like us if they just work hard.”
Queen: “Like you did?”


Right, apparently the British don’t like any of that.

According to Daily Mail:

Filmed in Greenwich, in south east London, the two-minute advertisement was made for the Chengdu Association for Cultural Exchange with Foreign Countries and promotes a fleet of 50 ‘panda cabs’, which are London black-taxis with pictures of the bears painted on to them.

The association hopes the panda cabs will help boost tourism in Chengdu, an area which attracts almost 100,000 visitors each year to its world-renowned breeding and research base for giant pandas.

The advert, which is running on social networking sites, was described as a bit of ‘harmless fun’ by a spokesman for the Chengdu Association, the Express reported.

And funny, unintentionally and incredibly in a “I can’t believe this ad was made” sort of way.

Still better than this though.

Here’s the video on Youku:

(H/T E)

    5 Responses to “Can Unfunny Be Awesome? When It’s A Commercial About Panda Cabs With Royal Family Impersonators, Yes”

    1. Jess

      Those taxis look awful. Just painting them black and white with a cartoon panda face would have been better.

    2. ti

      Many Brits I have met enjoyed the ad and found it funny, and – fortunately or unfortunately- truthful. I didn’t know gold-diggers could marry there as well quiet easily. I guess she is the “Queen of gold diggers”.


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