Some Asshole Poured Beer On Residence A’s Lead Singer In The Middle Of An Awesome Performance At 2 Kolegas On Saturday

The Beijinger’s New Festival Showcase at 2 Kolegas on Saturday mostly proved to be your standard gathering of drunken expats, except it produced one hell of a musical highlight: Residence A, a Beijing staple we featured in an Outro earlier this month, giving what I thought was the performance of the night around 8:30 pm. Reasonable music fans will disagree, and I admit I didn’t catch every act, but the energy was noticeably different with these guys on stage, to say nothing of musical phrasing and general ability.

Near the two-minute mark of the group’s final awesome performance, some shirtless drunken asshole got on stage and hopped around like a drunken asshole. That in itself was awful in the way that the antics of drunken assholes usually are, but then he tipped his half-finished bottle of Budweiser over lead singer Zhao Zhao’s head. If ever there was need for one of those cartoon umbrella handles that hook rascals off screen — sharply and with finality — this was it. UPDATE, 8/25, 12:06 am: We’ve been informed that the guy may be a friend of the band, so the possibility exists that this was one hell of a sweet publicity stunt.

Zhao Zhao, to his credit, never missed a beat, and neither did his companions. Six minutes later, after the song’s final note, they were fielding loud pleas for an encore. (Alas, the acts were already running late.) No one would have complained if they never left. Shortened Youku video for those in China after the jump; the full song – called 送春 (Delivering Spring) – is on YouTube, above.

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