Aussie Rescues Drowning Man Off Shandong Beach, Saves Him With CPR

On Sunday in Yantai, Shandong province’s Golden Sands beach, a young man surnamed Ji swam a bit too far into the sea and went under. As Tencent Online tells it via 365jia (pictures from there), an Australian named Jason relaxing a few hundred meters away saw this and sprung to action.

After Ji was pulled from the waters with help from an inflatable raft, Jason performed CPR on the man and was able to resuscitate him. The Aussie’s golden retriever was by his side for the whole thing, too.

And once again, we have seen that CPR really can save lives.

For all his efforts, Jason was unfortunately labeled the “foreign Lei Feng.”

(Just kidding – good on Jason, et al.) More pictures after the jump (H/T Alicia).

Finally, some pointless comments found on Sina Weibo:

“Popularizing emergency aid knowledge is very important,” wrote Sina Weibo user @Leon—LEE. “Dog is also excellent,” said @小新童鞋2012. “Super!” said @蜜糖de小宇宙.

    3 Responses to “Aussie Rescues Drowning Man Off Shandong Beach, Saves Him With CPR”

    1. Amanda R.

      Foreigners behaving…very well, actually. Good job, Jason.
      (scared me when you said he was being called foreign Lei Feng, though; glad you were kidding!)

      • The Tao

        Actually, I meant I was just kidding about “foreign Lei Feng” being “unfortunate.” He has indeed been labeled (by some) Foreign Lei Feng.

    2. Hannah

      Now that you mention LF, I recall there being a banner over gongti lu, just at the entrance to sanlitun, on the bridge one would cross to go into the Yaxiu area, that says “praise Lei Feng…” etc. It’s pretty much nothing short of a farce that Lei Feng be paraded at the entrance to Sanlitun. I’m out of town now, take a picture if it’s still around. :)


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