Pigs Depicted Having Sex Doggy-Style In Zhengzhou Public Square Are Said To Represent Filial Piety [UPDATE]

I can explain this. Some people’s minds have not been corrupted by the unseemly elements of our indecorous times. They glimpse a work of art such as this and think of the lessons a mother can pass to her child, who is not at all uncomfortable with her exposed tit. Um. PIETY.

By unseemly elements, by the way, I mostly mean liberals, but also pranksters, and middle-aged men who have lost hope, and those young people who know not what they do, and vagabonds who have slipped through society’s cracks, and fallen women, and criminals of blue or white collars, and the irreligious, and factory workers, and that guy I saw drinking a beer on the street with red meat on a plate in front of him, and girls who smoke, and those who enjoy watching the world burn. Constantly in the gutter, is it any surprise they reek of impropriety and egomania, and threaten to drag the rest of us into their sordid lair?

These rotten apples would never look upon this sculpture in Zhengzhou, Henan province and think of “a young pig giving his mother a back massage,” according to Shanghaiist. They are dastardly, that’s why.

The urban management authority, when contacted by journalists, said the sculpture is part of a series of 21 cartoon stone sculptures designed to inculcate values — such as perseverance, diligence and love — in young children.

Perseverance, diligence, and love. Young children. Doubt us at your own risk.

UPDATE, 8/25, 4:55 pm: Now here’s a video.

UPDATE 2, 8/25, 9:52 pm: And here’s the sculpture’s model, from 10 years back:

From a series of statuettes called “Hooligan Pigs.” Click on the above link for more information.

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