This Restaurant Wants To Give You A Steep Discount, Assuming You’re Not Japanese

Sent in by an anonymous tipster, a restaurant on Jintai Street near Chaoyangmen offered this sweet deal on Saturday:

Japanese customers who recognize the Diaoyu Islands are Chinese territory may enter

Japanese customers must pay full price on hotpot, rinsed vegetables at this location

Chinese people without exception receive 40% discount

Drinks, desserts, and fruit for Chinese customers are complimentary

If you refuse, fuck off [Ed's note: the character isn't literally "fuck," but that's the idea.]

Hmm. I think I’ll be getting my hotpot elsewhere. Wait… 40 percent, you say? What kind of desserts do you offer?

Keep ‘em coming: we’re looking for Diaoyu-related ads around the city. Previously: Century 21.

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