Of Course China Is Sending A Team To The World Pole Dance Competition

China’s fascination with the pole dance extends to competitive pole dancing as well: three females and one male are traveling to Zurich, Switzerland to compete in the World Pole Dance competition on November 10. The Chinese contestants are listed on World Pole Dance’s website as Cao Haijing, Meng Yifan, Song Xuemei, and Yan Shaoxuan, all of them with bios “coming soon…” We think there’s at least one case of mistaken identity on that official list, as “Meng Yifan” is probably “Yi Fan,” who China Daily calls “China’s best pole dancer” for finishing in the top 24 in last year’s competition.

Here she is, doing ridiculous things to and with a pole:

And here are some of the other Chinese competitors, via Sina:

Shanghaiist has collected a few more pictures as well.

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