Sacha Baron Cohen Is Making A Movie About Cecil And Gigi Chao

Deadline reports that Paramount Pictures has tabbed Sacha Baron Cohen to make a major motion picture tentatively titled The Lesbian, a story based off billionaire tycoon Cecil Chao and his $65 million bounty to find a husband for his lesbian daughter, Gigi.

The Borat and The Dictator star will certainly have no shortage of content to work with, including all these applications that have come in from star-crossed lovers around the world to be Gigi’s hubby. E.G., “I WOULD LIKE TO TALK TO THE FATHER AND DAUGHTER, THEN DECIDE. DAUGHTERS HAPPINESS COMES FIRST. I AM A BACHELOR. TO GIVE UP MY FREEDOM FOR THIS,” writes Tajinder Thukral.

Gawker notes, “Because this is a Sacha Baron Cohen movie, it will likely be envelope-pushing, which means Baron Cohen’s critics will condemn it as racist and homophobic.” As long as Cantonese gets the proper skewering it deserves as a language fit for pots and pans, I’ll be okay with whatever he comes up with.

(I kid.)

(Eh, no, I don’t.)

    One Response to “Sacha Baron Cohen Is Making A Movie About Cecil And Gigi Chao”

    1. Gay_Chevara

      Cohen’s films get worse every time I think. Ali G was just television genius, but a very bad movie. Borat was ok but since then his movies have just got worse.

      How can you drag an entire film out of this Chao story?


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