We’re not sure how long this poll is going to be up on Global Times’s English website’s main page — it’s not on the Chinese site – but go vote while you can. I actually am curious to see the final results.
Only question: What is “Other”? Maybe something like, “Classless, but in a societal vacuum, nothing but harmless and confidence-building fun; yet in the real world, likely to be misconstrued by a segment of the population, especially as it is presented in the context of auto shows in China, and will probably become a source of embarrassment when these models come of age”?
I’ll vote for Other, just to be on the safe side.
(This is what we’re talking about.)
(H/T Alicia)
After living in this country for 15 years, nothing surprises of shocks me any longer. Pretty soon, we’ll be shown videos of babies in the womb and be asked to judge which is the prettiest or most handome.
The Chinese Global Times will start running picture galleries called, say, “the most beautiful innocent womb-flowers.” Really, is it much more shocking than the phrase “huge breasts child’s face,” which I picked up from that esteemed publication?