Preteen Girls Are Now Being Used As Bikini Models At Chinese Car Shows [UPDATE]

If you thought there might have been laws forbidding prepubescent girls from posing as bikini models at car shows, you were wrong. At Chutian Automobile Culture Festival in Wuhan, which kicked off November 16, girls who look about nine years old were marched onto the showroom floor alongside adult models, all wearing two-piece bikinis. The only way this gets more distasteful is if you had these children pose with a snake. Check out the picture after the jump, via Offbeat China.

At the terrible risk of uncomfortable juxtaposition, here’s what auto shows in China are usually like. Ku6 video for those in China after the jump.

UPDATE, 11/19, 9:39 pmOrganizers of the event have spoken out. Via China Daily:

However, Zhang Ping, general manager of the event’s organizers, 7-Wind Model Costume Co, said the goal was purely to help the children “boost their courage” and no organization or individual made money from the show.

“If you type the key words ‘children’ and ‘bikini’ into an Internet search engine, you’ll find tens of thousands of results for child bikini contests,” she said on Sunday. “It’s natural for kids to wear bikinis and other things they like.”

She said only two 5-year-olds wore bikinis, both with the permission of their parents.

More here.

    32 Responses to “Preteen Girls Are Now Being Used As Bikini Models At Chinese Car Shows [UPDATE]”

    1. MAC

      Congratulations China, you have finally reached your goal of surpassing America… At being home to the world’s most stomach-turning displays of vulgarity.

      • Steelhyaena

        Congratulations, China, for not realizing that the natural human body is meant to be a thing of shame and horror, and shame on you for not subscribing to MURRICA’s superior rites of Self-Loathing and body shaming.

        Shame on you, progressive China! Shame, shame shame, and shame even more for not believing & acting as me and my own personal Culture seems to.


      • Steelhyaena

        I know, right? Modeling is so deplorable and obnoxious. Models should be burned at the stake!!!

    2. bag-o-dicks

      If you’re into girls of that age you don’t really need a fancy set of wheels. A glovebox full of candy and you’re pretty much good to go.

    3. bert

      It’s sick because you’re sick in the head. I am sure almost no Chinese person looks at this sexually. But you do because you’re full of perversion. Be gone!

    4. steve

      Honestly?? actualley i see no wrong,its the viewers dirty mind nothing else.
      And the moore complain the moore dirty minds……

      And how the f”k can u see any sexual in a little child i really dont understand,the child do what mothers do about bikini. I can imagin how it would be if the girl dont have any …as i say dirty minds make this sick we other normal ppl dosent even look at it as sex…….im sorry but that is my thougts and offcourse i hate pedofiles,but i do think this crazy overreacting ppl makes children moore interesting…a pedofile is a pedofile dont make moore ppl think its exiting..

      and about fashion ,well then u must stop all models B4 reaching 15 cos i doo think a teenage at 15 can make many moore dirty minds in YOUR minds who complain.
      Please learn to NOT think SEX

      • tessa

        Sorry, but the way the minors are posing have a HUGE sexual connotation! I just feel sorry for the kids who are growing in this terrible context. I saw a couple of times the same mother taking a nine year old girl to the WC at KFC, to make her vomit “all” after she finished her lunch. When I ask the women, why you do that? She answer “to keep her slim”. So, believe me, it is not just the pics you are watching here, is all the horrible things they do to the kids.

        • steve

          Its very important to keep things apart.
          Ofcourse adult should not USE there kids if kids dont like it. it should be fun ,and good for them,i dont like parents use the kids for making money.
          but if the mother is a model why couldnt she take her kids with her (no nude and so)

          but the most important thing is,that ppl make it as abuse of sex….what do they have in there mind.

          In my world i can NOT thinks SEX when i see kids….it dosent exist .so whats the problem ppl have..huh??

          • tessa

            Steve, do you live in China? If you are chinese, I can understand the way you think. But this context is not for an infant, who can’t really understand what is going on. What more of the westerns will think when they see this pictures is why the society is not protecting their kids. In some states in USA, just for make publicities, if kids has to work in a set -film, photografy, etc-, there must be experts in infants monitoring to check the stress levels and so on. Just to protect the kids. Kids must do “kids things”, no more, because they can’t understand more than that. In China sometimes you can see how the parents and the teacher, treat them as a monkey, and you can feel the presure on them. They treat them as a “things”, just for entertain adults. Kids are persons, who must be treat with a lot of respect and LOVE. If the girls were posing in the beach, maybe -because the context- can be acepted. But chinese womens dressed a lot of clothes to go to beach. So, Im still thinking to do this with this childs is inappropriate. Sorry.

      • tessa

        Sorry, but the way the minors are posing have a HUGE sexual connotation! I just feel sorry for the kids who are growing in this terrible context. I saw a couple of times the same mother taking a nine year old girl to the WC at KFC, to make her vomit “all” after she finished her lunch. When I ask the women, why you do that? She answer “to keep her slim”. So, believe me, it is not just the pics you are watching here, is all the horrible things they do to the kids.

        • Steelhyaena

          Like on that show Criminal Minds, when the fanatical Christian guy notices his daughter’s attractiveness, and decides to “save them all” by murdering them and “sending them to heaven”.

          The first people to cry ” SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN” are closet pedophiles themselves, since that’s STRAIGHT where their corrupted minds go when they see a child.

    5. tom

      What? Is children wearing swim suits now considered child porn? And even if the pictures were sexually gratifying, then society is just preparing girls for adulthood, you know, when they are treated as sex objects. Just like in America, people cry “horrible!” when young girls are shown in sassy poses, but then cry “hot!” 10 years later when the same people are cast in sexy roles.

      If you guys really want to protect girls, then tell the entertainment industry to respect grown women first.

      • Steelhyaena

        It means they’re trying something different.

        I pity the sick fucks who see a child, think sexual thoughts, then project them onto the Entertainment Industry.

        The world isn’t responsible for your groin region getting aroused, that’s between you and your level of education and emotional intelligence.

    6. Insidious Deviant

      Ok , why do people go to car shows? It’s just to look at the female’s? You’re not going to get none. But, wait what happens if you go to a car show and muscle men in speedos are posing? Would you look at them as you look at the female models? It’s a form of art, if you see something sexually when going to car shows then you have issues.

      Ive been to lots of car shows, i go there because of art not thinking with my head in between my legs. My duaghter are like 8,9,11 and 12 they do modeling as well but, not the way you sick pedos like it. People here in the US really got some issues, no class or culture, its sometimes i wish i wouldn’t never came here but, not all people is like that right at least the people i hang out with are not.

      • MichaelJackson'sSpirit

        Straight on, bro. I like your pre-teen daughters. Do you also have boys, I like dem even moar. Go whore out dem kidz! Yeah! Power to the boneheaded knuckleheads!

        • Steelhyaena

          Sounds like someone’s a closet-case who thinks their asinine sarcastic quips are anything but wasteful.

    7. jared

      there is nothing wrong with preteen models and many of your are prudes! its perfectly natural for a girl to feel sexy in front of other men. this is how they learn.

      • Steelhyaena

        I really don’t get why people try and smother, suppress and shame their children. That just results in another generation of repressed, unhappy and Self-Loathing humans who’ve been taught to be ashamed of, and hate, what is only natural.


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