Yao Ming Is Either Getting A Diploma In This Picture Or Being Ordained By The Catholic Church

All-around good guy Yao Ming was at the University of Hong Kong on Tuesday to receive an honorary doctor’s degree for his work in promoting HIV/AIDS awareness. We don’t want to take anything away from Yao’s accomplishments or scoff at HKU, but Jesus, what’s up with the gold Roman Catholic scepter?

Yao, meanwhile, was recently interviewed by Wall Street Journal about Chinese basketball, and as he usually is on all subjects, he was sounding imminently reasonable:

“We just need to give them more time to play,” he said. “I’m not saying education is not important, but we have to have balance…More and more people are starting to realize that education is not only about homework and examinations. Physical education is important, too.”

The picture is via CRI. More after the jump.

Finally… can you pick out Yao Ming from the crowd?

(H/T Ray Kwong)

    2 Responses to “Yao Ming Is Either Getting A Diploma In This Picture Or Being Ordained By The Catholic Church”

    1. King Tubby

      Yao Min. Freak of fucking nature with an impossibly small member. Should have been strangled at birth and the world would have been a better place. And that also applies to basketball, which is strictly for pillow biters.


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