Thousands Out Themselves As Homophobes At Anti-Gay Rights Rally In Hong Kong

Hong Wrong puts it perfectly:

Thousands of Hong Kong Christians were unified in intolerance yesterday during a protest against homosexuality at government headquarters…

In a city that loves to protest — everything from its chief executive to luxury brands — this might be the worst: people demonstrating against a perceived brave new world in which they’re no longer allowed to be openly bigoted homophobes.

The sadly named event, “Inclusive Love Praying Concert,” was organized by the Evangelical Free Church of China Yan Fook Church at Tamar Park. Police say 5,000 people turned up, while organizers claim 50,000, continuing Hong Kong’s laughable trend of wildly disparate big-number estimations.

The concert was convened to protest legislation that would, in SCMP’s words, “outlaw discrimination against sexual minorities.”

Fuck that! Amirite, reverends?

“If this becomes the law, those who oppose homosexuality will have their freedom of speech restricted,” said the Reverend Jayson Tam, convenor of the “praying concert”.

Good job, Reverend Tam. You’ve played the “bigotry should be protected as free speech” card, which happens to be one of the oldest and most pathetic arguments in the book, not just because we as individuals have always understood the basic difference between one’s right to do something and whether doing it is right, but as a society we’re constantly endeavoring to improve our lot as a human collective. You won’t join us, I take it, preferring your own crusade? So be it. There’s a box over there, with your own pulpit. Just keep walking, you’ll bump into it. Keep going and going, and see for yourself whether there’s an edge of the earth you can fall off.

Because its summary of the event was awesome, we’ll give the last word to Hong Wrong:

Ann Chan, 22, said “I don’t want the legislation as homosexuality goes against our Christian values.” Chan, who clearly takes the bible very seriously, is also careful to avoid ham, rounded haircuts, tattoos, men with injured genitals, fortune tellers, gossip, shrimp, lobster and pre-marital sex – all of which are also banned by the outdated bestseller.

Full Lowdown: Thousands of Bigoted Christian Homophobes Gather for Demo (Hong Wrong)

    5 Responses to “Thousands Out Themselves As Homophobes At Anti-Gay Rights Rally In Hong Kong”

    1. Ander

      > Ann Chan, 22, said “I don’t want the legislation as homosexuality goes against our Christian values.”

      Thanks, but no thanks to your superstitious intolerance.

    2. Total Eclipse of the Twat

      I love the name. “Inclusive Love Praying Concert”. Not all-inclusive though, if you’re gay, or don’t believe in this particular God and Jesus you can piss off. I think that’s exactly the kind of brotherly love Jesus was teaching, if Jesus was George Lucas, came back to earth and rewrote the New Testament to include gay-hating ewoks.


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