Woman Assaulted By Young Man On Hong Kong Subway After Saying Inauspicious Things About His Family

A few days ago in Hong Kong, a young man was filmed yelling at, kicking and hitting a woman on the subway. The reason? According to Apple Daily English:

A middle-aged woman accidentally kicked a boy’s trolley while rushing to get to an empty seat. She blamed the boy for being in the way, and cursed him, telling him to “go tomb sweeping for your family.” Offended, the boy began beating the woman, dragging her out of the carriage.

Spring Festival just ended yesterday; of course it’s inauspicious to start off the new year by being cursed! But was the physical attack really warranted? And all for an empty seat on a subway.

Alas, the last time we saw a young man fight an older person in a subway for a seat, this happened.

I don’t know who comes out looking worse in this recent incident, but just remember, people: be nice to each other on the subway.

    One Response to “Woman Assaulted By Young Man On Hong Kong Subway After Saying Inauspicious Things About His Family”

    1. Brian

      Doubtless, they were Mainlanders. Rule 1 of Hong Kong: everything bad is done by Mainlanders*.

      *Warning: This post may contain satire.


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