Are You Skilled At Masturbating Or Writing Paeans To That Art? Submissions Wanted

Pei Yuxin Guangzhou sex-ed 2

A professor at Guangzhou’s Sun Yat-sen University is soliciting tapes, poems, plays, and songs about masturbation as part of a research project-cum-contest called “New Media Contest on Masturbation.” As SCMP reports, “The rules are simple: submit your masturbation videos, poems, plays, or songs,” and the winner gets 10,000 yuan, with hefty cash prizes for second, third, and fourth place (5,000, 3,000 and 1,000 yuan).

“We’d like to learn how people think about masturbation by encouraging them to talk about the topic, and share their experience in creative ways,” reads a poster for the contest published on Weibo.

The organizer is Pei Yuxin, who apparently has been engaging students in dialogue about masturbation for at least a decade. “Compared with 10 years ago, students are more willing to talk about it now,” she told a Guangzhou newspaper, as relayed by SCMP. “They discussed more details and asked bolder questions.”

Pei lies on the opposite end of the spectrum of this country’s sex ed, as far removed as possible from cultivated ignorance and eye-popping naivete.

As for her contest — which totally is not a try-out for porno, she claims — send submissions to

Wait a minute. What am I thinking, this is a brilliant contest idea… send submissions to Please, no videos. We’re high-minded here, so if you’ve got a poem or something, send that shit RIGHT NOW.

‘Submissions wanted,’ says Guangzhou scholar seeking masturbation videos on Weibo (SCMP)

    5 Responses to “Are You Skilled At Masturbating Or Writing Paeans To That Art? Submissions Wanted”

    1. Gay Chevara

      This post has been here for almost 12 hours and no-one has made a comment about Chinese guys being wankers yet?

    2. bag-o-dicks

      The Stranger

      There’s a stranger in my house
      He lives here for free
      Though he’s numb to my charms
      He submits willingly

      It’s not gay what we do
      Cos it’s a girl I think about
      I love you, dear stranger
      Come quick, let’s knock one out!


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