Big oops, as spotted by Car News China in Shanghai.
A Ferrari FF drove into the back on a truck on a bicycle lane. Furthermore; the Ferrari was driven by a laowai (foreigner) with a laowai-chick on the passenger’s seat.
It’s not as expensive an accident as a Lamborghini running into a Rolls Royce, but nonetheless… OOPS.

It also looks like there was a second Ferrari on the scene. “Was the black car trying to overtake the gray car, sneakingly using the bicycle lane?” Car News China asks. Moral here: stay out of the bike lane, cars.

Ferrari FF hits a truck in China, on a Bicycle Lane (Car News China)
Guy looks like the president of Uzbekistan/Kazakstan/Turkmenistan/Other tinpot former Soviet satellite state
As a point, I can’t be the only one uncomfortable with yellow skinned people calling white men laowai, much as I dislike those same whitemen calling me negro. It is when all is said and done a racialy charged and often predudicial term.
Welcome to China. How do you feel when Chinese say “hei gui” behind your back?
Don’t create racial issues where none exist. Laowai isn’t offensive and stop trying to pretend that it is.
People will never stop pretending it is. It’s a lost battle!
Its not up to the ‘caller to decide what’s racist, I’m Chinese and have often told my friends not to use the term, its definitely impolite because you’ll only ever hear it being used on tv when a foreigner is accused of doing something bad.
Karma is a bitch?