The above was posted to Sina Weibo recently and was, of course, deleted. If it doesn’t seem like a picture that compares China’s president to a chubby bear with a sweet tooth would be allowed to stand, it’s because a picture that compares China’s president to a chubby bear with a sweet tooth isn’t allowed to stand, even if it’s done in good fun (as the above obviously is). But as we’ve said before: censors don’t like fun. (They prefer their jobs.)
The fun apparently began yesterday when netizens saw the picture of Xi and Obama and began talking about their resemblance to Winnie the Pooh and Tigger. Eventually, it got meme-ified.
Incarnations of the above survive in nooks and alleys around Weibo, and now on Facebook, and here. Because memes abide.
Barack Obama is this guy:
And another look (we think this was the original):

(H/T @MissXQ) Also:
@zhongnanhai Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing..listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.–Winnie the Pooh
— Wei Gu (@weigu) June 10, 2013
Sort of an odd juxtaposition… Chinese leader looking round and portly, USian leader looking fit and trim…
Wonder if they will shoot a few hoops together?
Would be cool to see someone with photoshop skills put a thick, black, greasy hair helmet on PoohXi
they spelled tigger wrong