Man Dies After Jumping Out Of Bus Window Because He Really Had To Pee

22-year-old man pee bus

A 22-year-old man jumped out of a moving bus on a Sichuan province freeway and died, reports Chengdu Business Daily via Global Times. Why did he jump?

“He asked me to park the bus because he needed to pee,” said the bus driver, Liu Renzi, who was en route to Ziyang from Chengdu that day. “I asked him to wait because it’s not safe to park on the freeway. I told him that there was a restroom at Shiqiao service zone, which would take about 10 minutes to reach.”

Ten minutes from a service zone, but the passenger really had to use the bathroom, and 10 minutes was unacceptable.

Liu said that the man, Chen Jie, hit Liu’s head with a plastic water bottle after his request to stop was rejected, then returned to his seat by the left window in the last row. Shortly after, he opened the window and leapt out.

Chen Jie has earned his Darwin Award. The above picture is of his family grieving, but the woman in the middle there may has well be face-palming.

The incident, of course, is the obverse of the one we saw in Shanghai in March, when foreigners forced a driver to pull over so they could pee on the side of the highway.

We may have said this before, but if you really need to relieve yourself, just do it. Open the window and pee out the back or something. No one ever slipped on urine and died (to the best of our knowledge). No one ever saw a man taking a leak and have a heart attack (again, to the best of our knowledge). But now we know: someone has died from jumping out of a bus window because the driver wouldn’t take a pit stop. Now we know.

    6 Responses to “Man Dies After Jumping Out Of Bus Window Because He Really Had To Pee”

    1. MrT

      I was on a long haul bus the one night and this nong decided he needed a piss, so he started on the driver, driver said wait nearly at a pit stop. despite being in the fast lane he decided he would punch the driver in the face a few times, me and the spare driver pulled him off.
      I was expecting some kind of punishment to be dealt him at the pit stop, but no nothing.
      So I’m all for these fucking retarded twats to jump of buses to there deaths.
      Whats wrong with pissing in a bottle ffs.

    2. wafflestomp

      “iu said that the man, Chen Jie, hit Liu’s head with a plastic water bottle after his request to stop was rejected”


      Just use the fucking bottle. It’s not like your pathetic countrymen/women don’t shit and piss everywhere anyways.

    3. King Baeksu

      “Liu said that the man, Chen Jie, hit Liu’s head with a plastic water bottle after his request to stop was rejected, then returned to his seat by the left window in the last row.”

      I learned a long time ago to time my liquid consumption on long-distance buses to within an hour before the next stop. Chen Jie sounds like an impatient hothead and probably quaffed his complimentary bottle of water as soon as he sat down.

      Well, at least he’s made it to the afterlife more quickly than he may have expected.

    4. Big Jojo

      I once jumped out the window of a stopped bus in Beijing. I was on my way to work, just half a kilometer from the bus stop I needed to get off at, but traffic was stopped for more than 5 minutes due to an accident ahead. If we waited any longer I was going to be late. I pleaded with the driver to open the door and let me off, pointing out the building I worked at, but he just shook his head without making eye contact. So, I opened the window, checked to see if it was safe, then jumped out and ran to work.


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