Woman Beheaded In Sanya, Hainan Province

Woman beheaded in Sanya, Hainan

I’m going to leave this here and back away, because I don’t even –

The body of woman, who was beheaded by a man on Friday morning, June 28, 2013 outside a supermarket in Sanya, south China’s Hainan Province, is seen lying on the ground. The attacker has been held by police, while the victim has not been identified. [Photo: Sohu.com]

China Radio International has a couple more pictures, and one of them is very graphic. Proceed carefully.

Meanwhile, Hainan continues its efforts to replace Henan as China’s most fucked-up province, with this story following ones like this and this.

(H/T Stuart Wiggin)

    4 Responses to “Woman Beheaded In Sanya, Hainan Province”

    1. Geoff Xu

      What the… i don’t even. In all fairness though Hainan is a fucking mess, it’s completely overrun by DongBei gangsters who operate in cohoots with a local goverment so corrupt it makes the rest of the nation look like sweden.

    2. Chinese Netizen

      But it’s a tropical paradise! China’s Hawaii! A haven from the hustle & bustle of the rest of China! A government designated happy harmony zone!

    3. Jake the Muss!

      She should have cooked the man his fucking eggs! This is what women get for being to bloody lippy!!


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