Taxi App “Shakes The Foundation Of China’s One-Party Rule,” Says The Guardian

The Guardian headline featured image

A Guardian sub-editor overdosed on caffeine while writing the headline to a humdrum taxi-app story. How else to explain this?

Popular app for calling taxis shakes the foundation of China’s one-party rule


China’s one-party rule has survived market reforms, the killing of students, Wukan, and Bo Xilai. But it currently quakes at its foundations because you damn people can’t stop using Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache.


    4 Responses to “Taxi App “Shakes The Foundation Of China’s One-Party Rule,” Says The Guardian”

    1. benji

      anything that the CPC can’t profit (expropriate or grab) from or threatens (they are psyched big time) their control – they will try squash like a bug, coz theres nothing in it for ‘em, no matter how well the people’s served.

      • benji

        All cab companies in Toronto most likely owned by independent entrepreneurs, whereas all Chinese cab companies owned essentially by connected crony interests. The drivers are literally no better than indentured workers to the BOSSES, having to pay enormous sums for the right to earn a meagre living. With much higher fuel prices not absorbed by the fares, the BOSSES still rake in usurious returns by the fixed rents, under the table fees etc.

    2. Brendan

      Yo, KFC opened its first restaurant in China right on Tian’anmen Square in 1987, and the voices tell me that this was definitely not a coincidence. And remember when Coke and Pepsi brought rudimentary two-party democracy to China?


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