Here’s An Animation Of Liao Yiwu Streaking In Stockholm

On December 10, 2013, Chinese dissidents Liao Yiwu, Bei Ling, Wang Yiliang, Meng Huang, and Wang Juntao streaked outside Stockholm Concert Hall during Nobel ceremonies to protest the continued incarceration of Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo. Yesterday, an animated video was released recounting that night and the events that led up to it.

It begins:

Streaking in Stockholm animation 1 Streaking in Stockholm animation 2

Eventually, an explanation for this (the embedded video is from 2012, when Liao and company tried to bring an empty chair to Stockholm to protest Liu Xiaobo’s absence [and, incidentally, Mo Yan's presence]):

Streaking in Stockholm animation 3

It’s good to have a reminder every now and then, especially considering the date next Wednesday, that one of China’s brightest minds remains locked behind bars for bullshit charges while his wife suffers under house arrest after committing no crime.

Illustrations and captions by Meng Huang.

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