This Actually Happened: The ‘Night of “Expats In Chinese Film And TV” Awards’

Good day, mortals. Enjoy the weekend? Unless you were at the inaugural Expats in Chinese Film and TV Awards, not as much as these players.

photo (20)

Er… what?


Described by one excited attendee as “the stupidest, most Z-list thing ever… a fake award ceremony with fake red carpet,” the “expat Oscars” (as no one is calling it) was hosted by this nubile pair:



On the right is Mark Regan, a “Weatherman Anchor” at CCTV. (Mark’s previous role was “Import / Export Manager at Beijing W&G Trading Co,” so TV was the obvious next step.) His co-host is Shenzhen TV’s Yue Xu.

Other expat luminaries going viral on the interwebs are “uprising actor Greg Schroeder” (video apparently exists)


Greg, tell us about your uprising


“Mr. Albania Rolando Lekja”

Your Mr. Albania or your first name's Albania? The fans want to know

So, you’re Mr. Albania – or your first name is Albania? It’s confusing


“Well-known actor Ludi Lin” (whose credits include The Shannon Entrophy)


When Ludi proposes, you say YES (or you don’t get your hand back)


And Frank from This is Sanlitun, who apparently turned up in character. Awesome do-rag.

The sunglasses mask a tiny teardrop

Did you know Frank’s real name is Chris?


Our source told us, “Everyone seemed nice ­– it was all just a little bit sad.” And how. No Cao Cao; not even Carlos Ottery? Saaaaad.

Were you a guest at the Expats in Chinese Film and TV Awards? Did you win an award? Please do not get in contact with us.

    14 Responses to “This Actually Happened: The ‘Night of “Expats In Chinese Film And TV” Awards’”

    1. FOARP

      Ah, expats. Grandiose pomposity of people with over-inflated egos as a result of being treated like gods for being able to say “Ni Hao” ahead!


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