Pole Dancers Galore, On Beijing Subway And In Zeta Bar

Where to begin?

Zeta Bar in Hilton Beijing held its fourth pole-dancing competition on Saturday in collaboration with Love Show Studio, the self-proclaimed “Beijing’s No. 1 pole-dancing school.” Local nightlife blogger Jim Boyce informs us the winners were “Ms. Zhenzhen,” as chosen by judges, and “Ms. Vivi,” as chosen by the audience. We’re not sure who they are. I’m equally confused by this country’s apparent fascination with pole dancers, but that’s a story for another time.

And the video? The title reads, “Hot girl show pole dancing in Beijing subway,” and the timestamp is May 26, 2012. What else do you need to know? Youku video for those in China after the jump, along with pictures from Pole Dancing Competition Season IV. Update, 10/14, 4:12 pm: The original video has been taken down, so the above is a replacement.

(Beijing Boyce)

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