The Worst Story You’ll Read Today: Seven-Month Pregnant Woman Beaten, Forcibly Aborted [UPDATE]

[IMAGE - warning: very graphic, featuring an aborted fetus, laid Godfather-style, next to her injured mother.]

This is disgusting, infuriating and frightening all rolled into one. An organization called Women’s Rights Without Frontiers learned from a China-based human rights organization, 64Tianwang (warning: graphic images), that a woman in Shanxi province (Ed’s note: Global Times says it’s Shaanxi) named Feng Jianmei was kidnapped last week by Family Planning Officials because her family could not pay a 40,000 yuan fine. We’ll let Women’s Rights Without Frontiers take it from here:

When they did not receive the money, they forcibly aborted Feng at seven months, laying the body of her aborted baby next to her in the bed.  Feng is under medical treatment in Ankang City, Zhenpin County, Zengjia Town, Yupin village.

Reggie Littlejohn, president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, stated, “This is an outrage.  No legitimate government would commit or tolerate such an act.  Those who are responsible should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity.  WRWF calls on the United States government and the leaders of the free world to strongly condemn forced abortion and all coercive family planning in China.”

According to Christian Post, “Watchdog Chinese Skynet Center for Human Rights first broke the story and it was picked up this week by Women’s Rights Without Frontiers.”

CP adds more details:

According to reports, Jianmei was beaten and dragged into vehicle on June 2 by family planning officials while her husband, Deng Jiyuan, was at work. Jiyuan told Ling of All Girls Allowed that five men had abducted his wife and taken her to a hospital where they held her down.

“They covered her head with a pillowcase. She couldn’t do anything because they were restraining her,” the husband stated.

The officials asked her to pay fines worth more than $6,000 but when the money wasn’t given, they forced Jianmei to sign an abortion “consent” form. They inked her thumb and pressed it forcibly against the form.

Toxins were then injected into the brain of her unborn daughter.

“I could feel the baby jumping around inside me all the time, but then she went still,” the mother recounted to Ling.

The forced abortion took place on June 3. After enduring painful contractions, she gave birth on June 4 to her deceased child.

Jiyuan said his wife pulled a knife against herself while thinking about her child. Feeling helpless, he said, “What can I do? I’m just an average worker. I have no power.”

The story was passed along to pro-life website, which recalls in its write-up an attempted forced abortion in Changsha:

The report comes after global pressure appeared to have stopped Chinese family planning officials in Changsha, Hunan province from following through with a threatened forced abortion on a woman and her unborn baby in the fifth month of pregnancy.

“He said the domestic and international attention and concern that Fu’s publicity efforts elicited was the reason Ms. Cao was allowed to return home,” Fu added.

However, before her release from the hospital, Cao was forced to sign a guarantee that she will pay a 10,000 yuan (nearly US $1500) “pregnancy termination deposit fee,” which will not be returned if she insists on keeping her baby.

It’s all about the money with these fucks, isn’t it? Guided by whatever vile mafia-like or parochial code in which forcing a woman to abort her unborn daughter actually gives them a sense of meaning, we can only wish the absolute worst for the perpetrators of this atrocity. There’s not much more we can say that needs to be said — in a way, I mean, in which the words used would actually be useful. Here’s a petition from Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, to the attention of Chinese Ambassador Zhang Yesui and signed by 16,277 people so far, if that’s the sort of thing that might make you feel better.

UPDATE, 7/12, 12:18 pm: The family has settled with the local government for 70,000 yuan.

    10 Responses to “The Worst Story You’ll Read Today: Seven-Month Pregnant Woman Beaten, Forcibly Aborted [UPDATE]”

    1. MandMx

      My wife MX is due next month so this story particularly hit hard for us. There’s really nothing to say about this other than irate anger. Cheng Guangcheng stands vindicated for helping these women and now millions are aware of this. It will be interesting to see what the government will do and say in the coming few days.

    2. bobjohnson

      this is not at all extremely fucking sexy, especially not the part about the baby wriggling inside of her like a trapped animal while he got poison slowly injected into his tiny little brain

    3. Miguel

      This is crazy! How can the government let this happen. I just happened to come across this post and I know it is old news but forced abortion is just sick. I really had a hard time reading this post. Laying the baby next to the mother just because she couldn’t pay. Just sick. What is China coming too?


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