Alicia first saw this slideshow on China News, but it’s since migrated to Sina, and if you thought a slideshow of scantily clad women doing Gangnam Style wouldn’t make it to People’s Daily, under the headline, “40 sweet beauties dance Gangnam Style in bikini,” you have been living under a rock. Catch up.
These ladies (and at least a couple of gentlemen) were out to promote Henan province on Saturday at the finals of the Fairview PTZ 2012 Global Urban Tourism Ambassador Midwest Ministry. (Apologies for the translation — I have no idea what the event is supposed to be, but those words are all in the title.)
More pictures after the jump.

And for an encore performance, I wonder how many of them did the doggie dance for the goofball in the white?
Aiyaaa…#2 is pathetic
With or without the photos, this is an important event.