North Korea News Agency Hails Kim Jong-un Winning Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year Online Poll, Doesn’t Realize It’s A Grim, Horrible Joke

Kim Jong-un clapping

Here we go again. From the news agency that brought you “Lair of King Tongmyong’s Unicorn Reconfirmed in DPRK,” we now have this: “U.S. Magazine Selects Kim Jong Un as Man of 2012.”

Well… yes and no. The Korean Central News Agency may want to look again.

Kim Jong-un indeed won recognition from Time Magazine, but it was for its readers poll, where the Outstanding Leader got one heck of an outstanding push from the wags over at 4chan. In fact, as Daily Dot reported earlier this month:

4chan hopes to spell “KJUGASCHAMBERS” with the first letter of every Time candidate’s name. It references the concentration camp near the border of Russia and China, used by the North Korean government.

Did 4chan succeed? (If you know anything about 4chan, you should know the answer already.)


KJU Gas Chambers. Yeah, 4chan wins.

But we’re not going to deprive KCNA of its bit of happiness. Here is its full press release on the occasion of Kim Jong-un’s wonderful honor — better or worse than being named Sexiest Man Alive?

The U.S. magazine The Time selected the dear respected Kim Jong Un as “man of 2012″.

The magazine has selected and published “man of the year” every year from 1927. This year, it conducted on-line voting among subscribers including politicians, businessmen, artistes, sportspersons and announcers for the man of this year.

More than 5.6 million people, the greatest number, voted for Kim Jong Un.

The U.S. magazine Forbes, dealing with the most influential persons in the world on Dec. 8, carried photos of his revolutionary activities and introduced his brief biography.

(H/T Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt)

    6 Responses to “North Korea News Agency Hails Kim Jong-un Winning Time Magazine’s Person Of The Year Online Poll, Doesn’t Realize It’s A Grim, Horrible Joke”

    1. P.

      Looks like the KCNA needs a copy editor. That copy is hardly befitting of the official mouthpiece of the state whose leader took home such a esteemed award.

    2. MKL

      I wonder, if the original Korean version would include phrases like ‘online voting’.

      Both “online” and “voting” are problematic words in North Korea.

      And I think the officials are smarter than we think. They know this was a joke, but your average North Korean doesn’t know, so they got another free of charge propaganda to make their leader look great in front of their own people.


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