Bikini Babes On Hong Kong-Shenzhen Border Want You To Know Breast Milk Is Better Than Powder

How did you spend your International Women’s Day? A pair of women stood at the Luohu Checkpoint in Shenzhen on the border of Hong Kong on March 8 to protest against milk powder while advocating breastfeeding. As The Nanfang reports:

The slogans on the signs read: “Limits on what you can buy don’t limit how much you can love;” “Milk powder is finite, a mother’s love is infinite;” “You don’t need foreign milk powder, you just need breast milk,” (the catchiness is somewhat lost in translation).

China has been embroiled in a bit of a powdered milk controversy, as supply continues to lag behind demand. Just last week, 45 were arrested in Hong Kong for smuggling baby milk formula. Meanwhile, Chinese health minister Chen Zhu recently called the smuggling a “temporary problem.”

So yeah, maybe breastfeeding may be the way to go. You didn’t hear that from us though. We want no part of the ongoing breast vs. bottle controversy.

Advocate breastfeeding

Bikini-clad beauties advocate the use of breast milk at Hong Kong border (The Nanfang via CTDSB)

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