Another Public Pooper Caught On Camera In Shenzhen Subway

Shenzhen Subway pooper caught on tape

Yes, we too are beginning to suffer from scat fatigue, but… meh. We sort of have a theme going, and it’d be a shame to neglect it.

This one comes via The Nanfang:

A picture of a woman pooping on a platform in a station along Shenzhen’s Luobao Line has already been forwarded by three respected, Shenzhen-based microblogs: Shenzhen’s Big and Small IssuesShenzhen Metropolitan Round-up, and Baoan Life.

No video this time. UPDATE, 5/24, 1:10 pm: Just kidding, here’s video! (Also embedded below.)

Someday, no doubt, I will be the one who needs to take a dump when there aren’t any bathrooms nearby, and a picture will find its way onto the Internet. It will be funny in all the saddest ways.

Woman takes a shit on the platform of Shenzhen subway station (The Nanfang)

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