Tibetan Mastiff Bludgeoned To Death On Tianjin Street (Horrifically, There’s Video)

Old man in Tianjin beats Tibetan Mastiff to death featured image

Want to see some animal cruelty? Of course you don’t, because you’re a sane, well-adjusted human being with a decent upbringing.

But goddamnit, here’s an old man beating a Tibetan mastiff to death in Tianjin, in plain sight, under blue skies — while someone fucking films. (Picture shows an old man about to hit a cowering dog with a stick, so we don’t recommend clicking through.)

Care for Chinese Animals has this report:

On 30th Aug, an old man beat his own Tibetan mastiff to death in a street of Tianjin. People passing by trying to stop him but were unsuccessful. Tens of thousands of online and overseas media spread the news, causing public outcry against the man. We want the Tianjin Police to investigate the matter and make sure the murderer is punished, and we are strongly calling for the Tibetan Government to bring in laws that will prosecute people who abuse animals.

We’re not sure why he beat his dog to death, or why he chose to do it in public with the creature tied to a fence. But this dude — fuck him.

Here’s a video of it (and on Youku). An old man is clearly shown bludgeoning a dog to death, so we don’t recommend clicking through.

Incidentally, Tibetan mastiffs are an ancient and noble breed, sometimes passed off as lions, and one in particular — an 11-month-old pup named Hong Dong (“Big Splash”), who subsisted on beef, chicken, abalone, and sea cucumber — was sold for a record 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) in Qingdao in 2011.

Protest an old man beat his own Tibetan mastiff to death in a street of Tianjin (Care for Chinese Animals)

    16 Responses to “Tibetan Mastiff Bludgeoned To Death On Tianjin Street (Horrifically, There’s Video)”

    1. ryan

      Why supply the video if you don’t recommend watching it??

      Anyway, there’s a special place in hell for this you know what.

    2. Irene Pierpont

      How can anyone pass judgement on what this old man until all the facts are known? I wonder about the person who filmed this horrific scene. I need more information. My sympathy is with the poor dog who died in such a way, no matter why the old man did it.

      • mike

        This is actually pretty common in China.. You see owners beating their dogs all the time. Especially outside the big cities. I remember an old company I worked for in Guangdong.. the security guards would always tease the dogs, throwing things at them, etc, to ‘pass the time’…

        China is missing that… what’s it called.. moral fiber?

      • Kate

        Go hug a tree you stinky hippie. Fuck the person who taped it, but how can you NOT pass judgement on an old man beating a dog to death that is tied to a fence — NO ONE FORCED HIM. There was no goddamn reason for it.

        People in Asia have not evolved into good human beings – sure there are a couple out there – but the majority of that wasteland is full of stone-age barbarians. Sure, America and the West has their fair share of animal torture and cruelty but at least our government and our people take measures to stop it, to punish it. All those slant eyed rice patties care about is what they can get their grimmy hands on.

      • Gaye

        I think there isn’t a good reason for anyone to beat your beloved pet to death and any person doing it is not going to have a justifiable reason for doing it. So the person filming it, plus the people who couldn’t stop him (they must not of tried hard enough) cuz he was an old man with a bat. I think many people could of stopped him. So I will pass judgment on this old man. R.I.P. sweet dog.

    3. Irene

      Kate all that you have written could be true, but I don’t think we have all the information to pass judgement. Was the old man sane? Did this dog attack and kill his grandchild? Did the person taking the video pay the old man to do the horrific deed? Of course there are many more questions to asked and answered.

      Kate you’re very angry and I understand your anger. You must love other species of animals and feel they have as much right to live and share this planet. But there are those in this world who don’t feel the same way. It breaks my heart to see such cruelty.

      I believe the people who do such things should be held accountable for their actions and punished or educated.

      There are many groups out there who are trying to stop this by having new laws created, bring it to the attention of the populace, investigating allegations to find the truth and prosecute these people. But, they need the full story and sadly more money.

      You talk about the people in Asia (not all of them)”have not evolved into good human beings”. The human race has a long way to go before they evolve into a humane race. I know I won’t see it in my life time and I can only hope that my grand daughter sees some improvement in her life time. Also, it’s sad to say that the entire world wants to get their “grimy hands” on more wealth. Do you think that we didn’t destroy ourselves back in the sixties (as well as today) for altruistic reasons? The only answer I could come up with was GREED.

      Kate, please in the future before you pass judgement on anyone try to get the full story first and sometimes you may never find it.

      • Thien Ha

        I totally agree with Kate, because I was born and grow up in a place call Asia, so I understand how brutal people there in the way they treat animals, they can be very nice elegant people who love and care and sacrifice anything for their own children and their own families, but as long as it is not their friends or their families especially such as animals, they give a damn to care for. I know exactly how the hell life to all animals including what they call their pets, the way they treat them. They chain the dog to a tree to watch their houses, then they give them little food bow outside door, never hugs, never pets, never talk and show any signs of love to their pets. They have them just to have when children like, if their children decide by what reason not to like the dog, they willing to abandon a pet on the street, no one to take care to become a homeless dog, or they sell them to the dog meat market, or they toss the dog to someone else regardless what destiny is going to happen to their dog, as far as they concern the dog bother them, they gave no love no emotions as long as they do not have to deal with it, they think it is perfectly ok to abandone them let them being homeless, being sold to dog food markets. They can be very nice people who are educated, love laugh and hugs their boy friends, their parents, but as long as about dogs animals, who care, no one really care, they throw them outside the streets. Some people never allow their dogs sleep in the house, let them chained whole days, whole months, years after years. Those poor dogs have no life, only a little bow of rice to pass by their boring unhappy days to survive such a hell life of dogs in Asian countries. Of course, there always exception cases such as I am the most animal lover in this world regardless I was raised and grown up in that same culture. However, only a fews of us. The majority are those who were born in such a culture of cruelty and heartless to animals. So I agree with Kate, please do not make excuses for your people or your culture, lets face the true honestly and reality. I have fight for the dog dinity in Asian through all my life with my old brothers sisters, friends about the ways they treat dogs and cats inhumanely through most of the times I was there, so I knew exactly what I am talking about. I love my best friends, but got into conflict too much about the ways the culture and social framework over their that shape human nature and their identities. I am so glad that I got out of this cruel culture give such a damn to animals rights. I sometimes do not understand why those people are so gentle and full of love and warm even sacrifice to their own families, but never have a heart to their pets? I don’t understand my asian people too, and never one to be like them the ways they treat their pets. It is contradict, irony and too bad, if they treat their dogs and cats better then maybe I have something to be proud of , not at all, I feel shame shame shame. I love my dogs and cats, they are my children, so these asian people seems very strange to me. I lost my identity. Think about it if you are one of Asian people, then read my words, and educated yourself to be more civilized.

    4. FUC

      Conclusion: Chinese kill this dog for food. Chinese always do that. They cannot control there population and they are out of food so they most likely eat rats, cat, dogs, snakes and other species. One day, they will get diseases for eating this animals and this disease will spread rapidly and will wipe out their race.

    5. Don

      Kate: “People in Asia have not evolved into good human beings – sure there are a couple out there – but the majority of that wasteland is full of stone-age barbarians.”
      That describes perfectly your level of knowledge about the world and what you are.
      Thian Ha: “Think about it if you are one of Asian people, then read my words, and educated yourself to be more civilized.”
      How could you two even pretend to teach others to become civilized when you clearly show yourselves to be no more than a bunch of prejudiced emotional wrecks. First, you saw an old Chinese man killing a hopeless dog and then you went on rampage calling all Asian names. The Japanese don’t eat dogs and are known to treat dogs very well. You don’t even know there are an increasing numbers of animal lovers and animal activists in Asia, without them you would never be able to witness these mistreatments. Stop pretending that people in these so-called civilized western countries treat their animals much better. Dogs have been mistreated and killed silently, only a fraction of these guys have been caught and punished. And go see by yourselves those thousands and thousands of abandoned dogs with sad-looking face in animal shelters each year, most of them will be euthanized because no one wants them. Yes, these people used to be the so-called “true” animal lovers like yourselves, who end up finding their dogs to become nuisance. Who actually are the ones uncivilized? the Chinese that you called “Asians” who are known to mistreat and eat dogs, or people who claim to love their dogs to death but end up hurting their feeling badly by abandoning and even torturing them later? Don’t even pretend that you can teach others to become more civilized based on the way you show yourselves in here. You also need to teach yourselves some lessons first in order to become part of the solution and not the problems.

    6. George

      It’s not about Chinese people. It’s about people. People kill people, people kill animals. Man is the most violent animal of all. Of course, not all humans are violent, but, I think that we tend to be violent. Despite all the progress and the evolution, there so many bad people: dictators, even legal elected prime ministers and presidents, terrorists, mass murderers, serial killers, rapists etc. There is something terribly wrong with us as a species.
      Some species kill other species. And our species kills all the species, including the forest, but we call it industry, not a murder.

    7. George

      It’s not about Chinese people. It’s about people. People kill people, people kill animals. Man is the most violent animal of all. Of course, not all humans are violent, but, I think that we tend to be violent. Despite all the progress and the evolution, there so many bad people: dictators, even legal elected prime ministers and presidents, terrorists, mass murderers, serial killers, rapists etc. There is something terribly wrong with us as a species.


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