A pair of sisters, ages 4 and 2, died inside their home’s washing machine on Saturday around 1:30 pm in Nanchang, Jiangxi province. The details are grisly.
The girls, surnamed Tu, were reportedly playing at home when they somehow both fell into the washing machine and got tangled in the revolving gears. (One of them must have powered on the machine?) They both died of apparent asphyxiation.
Both parents were home at the time: the father was in his room listening to music, and the mother was preparing food. A one-year-old boy was also in the house.
An unidentified person who accompanied the children to the hospital told Beijing Times: “At the time, the children’s faces, noses had been mangled inside the washing machine and bloodied, and also swollen beyond recognition. There were purple bruises all over their bodies, and the washing machine was filled with blood.”
Filled with blood.
Obviously there are unanswered questions, which we’ll leave unasked for the moment, but police have ruled out foul play. Investigators found a step-stool next to the washing machine (pictured above) and concluded the children must have crawled in, for whatever reason.
However. Yesterday, the local police bureau said they never received a call about the incident on the day it happened. The young children’s bodies were also interred before they could investigate. It was only two days later, on September 23, that the victims’ family filed a report, arousing plenty of suspicion from netizens.
As for why the girls were interred so quickly, the grandfather issued this response: “The girls were so beyond recognition at the time, it was painful to look. And since they were small, according to local custom, they should be allowed to rest in peace.”
The police say the mother and father have a good relationship. They found no signs of foul play.
As for the washing machine’s ability to kill, authorities are still investigating.
Clean-up was as easy as a push of a button.
Terroir – that is disgusting. Those were young girls. What if it were your daughter or niece, and someone said that to you? I think you’d probably punch them in the face, repeatedly. I would.
Utterly tasteless comment showed the trash constitution that consists of your very being. Say no more.
pezzo di merda
molto d’accordo
In such poor taste. The internet allowed for greater freedom of speech but half of it is spam, insensitive or just plain dumb. Would you say this out loud in public? If you did, I’d call you an asshole.
and they closed the lid and then switched the machine on some how?
They went on fast spin and didn’t scream? the machine still worked with all that weight? A extremely tight fit also.
I call total bullshit on this in every possible way.
Agreed. I suspect the family.
Clean-up was as… ah, forget it.
Terroir’s comment was fucking hilarious.
All the critics are just jealous they aren’t half as witty as Terroir.
you are an absolute disgrace like Terroir, easy to understand why you are labelled white trash
Yes. So that’s why you sort all your white trash together: to get your white trash whiter.
I’m brown bro, not white.
Fine. Add more sugar and butter to get your brownies more brown.
My abject apologies for mislabeling. You are brown trash.
I don’t deny that my comment is callous. I too find the circumstances of this tragedy suspect. So in one sentence I can cram it all in a phrase they’ll be repeating to their friends.
The moral high road: people need pariahs to dignify themselves as being “better”.
Next thing you know, the girls were liquidated because they discovered grandpa’s money laundering operation.
Oh My God RIP this two kids.
Great! Thanks for sharing the information. That is very helpful for increasing my knowledge in this field.
Thanks for your sharing. Your article is very useful, it gives me more understanding.
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