The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

September 9 – September 15

Liz Tung interviewed Dong Bingfeng to get the final word on exactly what happened at the “cancelled” Beijing Independent Film Festival. The Literary Death Match happened on Wednesday at the Bookworm, and we turned it into a podcast. We teamed up with Alia of Offbeat China, who wrote about provincial courts’ dislike of Beijing’s anti-rumor campaign.

A watermelon vendor was shot by cops for refusing to vacate his spot in Xinjiang. Meanwhile, Xinjiang’s soccer team scored an incredible own goal at the Chinese National Games. Xinhua didn’t react correctly to Tokyo winning the bid to host the 2020 Summer Olympics.

China has a new rule to discourage “rumors.” A Shanghai cabbie charged 2,300 yuan for a 4-kilometer ride; didn’t get away with it. Baijiu is dangerous, in case you needed a reminder — snake bite.

A motorcyclist without a care in the world. Here’s Beijing’s rubber duck looking sad. Finally, be transfixed, like this boy, by pole dancers.

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