The Chongqing sex scandal is getting very, very interesting. Whatever intrigue was already inherent in a scandal involving a high-ranking Party official and his mistress, raise it to the power of Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai.
Let’s start here: The femme fatale has been identified as Zhao Hongxi, who was 18 years old in February 2007 when she secretly videotaped herself having sex with Lei Zhengfu, then the party secretary of Chongqing’s Dianjiang county. Ministry of Tofu, which first broke this story on English-language media, reports via Caijing and Beijing News:
In 2007, in order to win lucrative contracts from him, who had by then been promoted to the vice party secretary of Chongqing’s Jiulongpo District, one construction company offered huge bribes to Lei. However, having netted millions of yuan, Lei was not impressed and rejected their offer.
The company soon found out about Lei’s particular interest in women. So they hired several young women, all under 20, and put them through strict training before sending them to sexually please Lei. At the same time, these young women, who approached Lei with fake identities and proffered to be his mistresses, secretly videotaped the intercourse for the company to have more leverage over Lei.
In 2009, the head of the construction company reportedly first threatened to expose Lei, and that’s how we come to the former party secretary of Chongqing, Bo Xilai, and his police chief, Wang Lijun (who you might remember from this saga):
Lei came cleaned on his ‘one-time mistake’ to Bo Xilai, then the party boss of Chongqing and a contender for one of China’s most power political posts. Soon, Wang Lijun, then Chongqing’s police chief, headed a special team to investigate the matter. As the result, Zhao Hongxia was detained for 30 days, and the boss of the company was incarcerated for a year for ‘carving an official seal without authorization from the government.’
If this scandal du jour is beginning to sound a bit too heavy — sex, politics, Bo Xilai – relax: China’s Internet is full of deft photoshoppers who bring proper perspective to it all. Because if a classic political sex scandal doesn’t devolve into this, why even bother?
The website 591hx.com has lots of pictures of Zhao Hongxi, sourced from Dongfang Net:

Also, a woman by the name of Zhou Xiaoxue has been identified as another of Lei Zhengfu’s mistresses. It’s true what they say about power and money being an aphrodisiac, in a manner of speaking.

She secretly taped it for blackmail. Just another whore….
Why so harsh? Didn’t she at least find her true soul mate?
I say good for her. If a hideous, frog-like creature like that thinks someone is fucking him with anything other than underhanded motives, he deserves what he gets.
What the heck? Excluding this story all together your thinking is shit.
Because I was obviously making a completely serious, thoroughly-considered comment.
Now Mon General, you mission for today. Locate and publish the sex tapes involving the other five Party members.
Should you fail, I expect you to take the honourable way out.
Now that this girl’s identity has been revealed what will become of her?
In two words: ceiling inspector.
Shagging that toad? ~~shudder~~ I hope no one ever forgets these girls and they grow into old age as spinsters with no man daring to even shake hands with them
Modern China: The greatest clusterfuck in human history?
China has been that way since it began. “Clusterfuck” is one of the primary “Chinese Characteristics”! ahahahahahahahhhhhhhhaaa
Ms Zhou Xiaoxue (the babe in the beach series of pix) was NOT a new mistress. Her personal photo album was apparently hacked/borrowed somehow and mistaken. Not all hotties are brainless
Thank you, Captain Save-a-Ho.
Secretly film herself having sex? Why are there so many versions of this story?