Dunce-Capped Mistress And Cowherd Kneel In Shenzhen To Protest Official Corruption

Shenzhen anti-mistress protest 1

With power, what does a man buy first? A mistress, of course, especially in this country, where it’s been said that “a man without a mistress is useless.”

But in Shenzhen on Monday, someone held a little demonstration to push back against the practice of taking ernai (literally, “second wife”). Around Book City outside the Grand Theater Metro subway station at 4 pm, a “mistress” and “cowherd” were given a “public trial.” They knelt shamefully with signs around their necks and dunce caps that read, “Guilty of polluting public service.”

The big lettering on the red sign behind them reads, “Embracing your wife depends on you, snatching corrupt officials depends on everybody.”

If only every corrupt official caught with a mistress — and there have been so, so many lately — could be so publicly shamed… ah who are we kidding, nothing would change. Anyway, we have the Internet to do our bidding.

Shenzhen is making quite the name of itself as a creative-protest capital of sorts. Bikini-clad protesters against violent Diaoyu protests? Here. Naked men protesting the same? Shenzhen again. That “masturbation contest,” a protest against propriety? Yeah, you got it.

The latest was by an Internet personality known as 打假倡廉武工队. More pics below via Sohu.

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    3 Responses to “Dunce-Capped Mistress And Cowherd Kneel In Shenzhen To Protest Official Corruption”

    1. Gay Chevara

      Some people should set up a street theatre company that does stuff in the form of ‘No Pants Day’ but with intelligence. It’s getting better results than people kvetching about it on Weibo.


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