Gangnam Style Is Back In Headlines, And We’re Actually Okay With The Reason This Time

Workers do Gangnam Style 1

A group of 40 construction workers took to looting, rioting, vandalism, mayhem, and Gangnam Style on Monday in Wuhan, Hubei province to protest unpaid wages. Reports are that they’re owed 233,000 yuan from their company. With no other recourse, a man surnamed Lu, the contractor, organized a group Gangnam dance in front of a concert hall. Another protester/dancer said he needs his wages to travel home for Spring Festival and keep his three children in school.

You remember the days when, in order to grab media attention for your cause, you had to overturn carshold people hostage, and blow yourself up? This is much better. We hope these workers succeed.

Apologies for being two days late with this, by the way — The Times, Guardian, Global Post, China Daily (linked above) are among the big-name publications already on the story — but we’re really rooting for these guys. The pictures below are from Caixin Online:

Workers do Gangnam Style 2 Workers do Gangnam Style 3

(H/T Eric Fish)

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