The Situation Is Excellent: The Week That Was At Beijing Cream

June 3 – June 9

Our June 4 special included TAR Nation’s column on Hu Xijin and Shan Renping, a review of Liao Yiwu’s new prison memoir, For a Song and a Hundred Songs, two photo posts that inspired conversation.

Mitch Moxley on Three Shots With inspired quite a… debate. The Economist depicted Xi Jinping and Barack Obama as gay cowboys. We have another case of sexual assault involving a foreign teacher; meanwhile, activist Ye Haiyan started China’s latest meme, targeting molesters at Chinese schools.

We really like this: a driver sped up to shield a woman from a water truck, and the Philadelphia Orchestra entertained passeners of a flight stalled on the Beijing Airport’s tarmac. Also, we kind of like this video of college students being asked about their masturbation habits. Global Times has a game where you try to kill all the Japanese.

A man died after jumping out of a moving bus because he had to pee. A man self-immolated on a crowded bus in Xiamen, killing 47. And two noteworthy fights this week: a chengguan stomping on a bike vendor, and thugs acting violently in a reported land dispute.

Comment of the Week:

Comment of the week April 9

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